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Installing a Wallet Server

Create segregated user

This step is optional but recommended for security.

Continue copying and pasting the following commands in the terminal, then press ENTER.

Create a segregated user account called "dojo":

sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/dojo -m -G sudo dojo

Generate a secure password:

Ideally, using a password manager (like Bitwarden or KeePassXC), generate a long and secure password for the "dojo" user account. Be sure to save it, and/or write it down in a notepad if you are not setting up your Wallet Server on a remote machine (as you will need to login using these credentials in a later step).

Set the password for the "dojo" user:

sudo passwd dojo

Then paste / type the password generated in the previous step.

Add your "dojo" user account to the Docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker dojo

Reboot your machine to apply the changes:

sudo reboot

Log back into your machine using the "dojo" user:

After your machine has rebooted, login using "dojo" as the user, and enter the password you generated earlier.