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Using a Wallet Server

Dojo Maintenance Tool

Access your Dojo Maintenance Tool (DMT) to:

  • Check on your wallet server's status
  • Pair a wallet to Dojo
  • Manage your tracked wallet's extended public keys

Obtain your DMT .onion URL

In the terminal of your Dojo, copy and paste the following commands, then press ENTER.

cd ~/dojo-app/docker/my-dojo

Enter the Dojo onion command

./ onion

Shown in the terminal is Dojo API and Maintenance Tool URL.

Save / bookmark your DMT URL

Add this URL to your password manager with /admin at the end. For example:

This is your DMT URL.

You may also choose to save this URL as a bookmark in your Tor desktop and/or mobile browser.

Login to your Dojo Maintenance Tool

Launch the Tor desktop browser.

Note: your Tor browser must be set to either security level "standard" (default), or "safer", as javascript is required for the site.

Paste your DMT URL into the URL bar.

Paste your NODE_ADMIN_KEY, then click CONNECT to login.

Note: your NODE_ADMIN_KEY was one of the admin credentials you generated and set prior to installing Dojo. At the time of doing so, you should have saved this in your password manager.

Dojo status page

After logging in you will see the status page of your Dojo.

If your Dojo is fully synced, you will see all green checks ✅

If you Dojo is not synced, or your Dojo is experiencing issues, you will observe red crosses and/or orange checks.