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Using a Wallet Server

Common terminal commands

Below are the most common commands you are likely to use when interacting with your Dojo via the terminal.

Note: The Fulcrum database is prone to corruption if power is disconnected from the machine abruptly. If this occurs you will experience issues when using your Dojo. To help prevent this, always run the stop Dojo command before powering down your Dojo server.

Copy and paste the following commands in the terminal, then press ENTER.

Dojo script directory

Navigate to the Dojo script directory:

cd ~/dojo-app/docker/my-dojo

All commands which start ./ are to be run in this directory.

Dojo commands

The following commands are to be run in the Dojo script directory.

Restart Dojo:

./ restart

Stop Dojo:

./ stop

Note: ensure you stop Dojo before: removing power from machine, or updating Dojo.

Start Dojo:

./ start

Show Dojo version:

./ version

Uninstall Dojo:

./ uninstall

Warning: this command will erase all Dojo data.

Show list of all possible Dojo commands:

./ help

Docker commands

The following commands can be run in any directory.

Restart Tor:

docker restart tor

This will restart the Tor hidden service running on your Dojo, and may help if your Dojo becomes unreachable.