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Using a Wallet Server

Viewing and editing configuration files

After you have installed Dojo, you may have a need to view your existing configuration files (e.g. if you want to copy one of your admin credentials), or you may want to edit a configuration file to configure your Dojo for a more advanced setup.

This guide does not provide details of how to go about setting configurations files for specific advanced Dojo setups, only how you would go about editing/saving configuration files, then how to apply the changes.

In the terminal of your Dojo, copy and paste the following commands, then press ENTER.

How to view configuration files

cd ~/dojo-app/docker/my-dojo/conf/

This is the directory where all Dojo configuration (conf) files are stored. All the following commands are to be run in this directory.

View bitcoind conf

cat docker-bitcoind.conf

View common conf

cat docker-common.conf

View explorer conf

cat docker-explorer.conf

View indexer conf

cat docker-indexer.conf

View mysql conf

cat docker-mysql.conf

View node conf

cat docker-node.conf

View tor conf

cat docker-tor.conf

How to edit configuration files

Note: This guide only applies if you have already installed Dojo.

cd ~/dojo-app/docker/my-dojo/conf/

This is the directory where all Dojo configuration (conf) files are stored.

Open the configuration file in the editor

Run the following command, substituting in the name of the configuration file you wish to edit:

nano docker-ConfigurationFileNameHere.conf

For example:

    • nano docker-indexer.conf

Make your desired edits

Continue to make edits to the configuration file which you hare opened in the editor.

Top tips for editing configuration files:

    • Do not use your mouse
    • Use your keyboard UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, HOME, and END buttons to navigate
    • Use your keyboard BACKSPACE button to delete text
    • Paste using ctrl + shift + v
    • If you make a mistake, go:
      • ctrl + x
      • then press n
      • then press ENTER
      • then enter the "nano" command into the terminal to try again

Save and exit the configuration file

Type the following into your keyboard:

    • ctrl + x
    • then press y
    • then press ENTER
cd ~/dojo-app/docker/my-dojo

Run "upgrade" command to apply changes

./ upgrade

Note: any changes made to configuration files will not be applied until you run this upgrade command.

Once you see a constant stream of "node.js", "bitcoind", and "fulcrum" logs, your configuration changes have successfully been applied.

To exit the log screen, go:

    • ctrl + c